Thursday, October 25, 2012

Trick or Treat

It may seem a little early to the rest of the nation, but Ashland always holds Trick-or-Treat on the Thursday before Halloween. Kinda reminds me of Madeira holding 4th of July celebrations on the 3rd every year.  I guess I live in weird places.
Last year Tommy and Ellie were sick (and for the first time) on Beggar's Night, so they missed it.  This year, they decided to get in on the action.
I decided I would just take them to see a few families that we know on our block, so I loaded them up in the stroller.
Once we got back home, I let them out so they could greet our visitors.
But having seen what the evening was about, Eliana was quick to head back out on foot.
Tom caught our dragon by the tail and  held onto him.
Tommy's first taste of Skittles...
And Ellie with the now empty bag...
We had a fun, family evening. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

First Haircut

Brains, good looks, winning personalities, my kiddos have in spades.  Hair, not so much.  But fine and thin though it may be, Tommy's hair has been looking a little too long lately.  His papa calls it "professor hair" when he first gets up from sleeping.

So we took him this evening to Famous Hair for his first haircut.  They have a special tractor seat and set him up with a Blues Clues video to watch.
Mama was not brave enough to get his hair buzzed all over.  We decided to only cut the back.  Here is his "before" shot.

The video thing is working.  He was pretty distracted.

Oops, I forgot to take an "after" shot at the salon.  Here it is later, at home...

We went home with an envelope holding his hair and a special certificate.  He was far more interested in his reward sucker.  Ellie too; she got one just for watching.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Visit with Grandma Lux

Tommy and Ellie and I took a quick trip south to catch a visit with Grandma Lux and my sister Sandy.
 The kiddos previewed their Halloween costumes for Grandma...
 Watch out for fireballs...
My sweet chickybaby...
We played outside and the kids enjoyed puppy time...
 Grandma got puppy time too...
Whether she enjoyed it or not is up for debate...

 When did my little babies get all grown up?